Why Resolve Recruit Is the Best Option for Employers


Resolve Recruit Inc. is one of the leading job recruitment firms for employers in Mississauga and the GTA. Over the past 20 years, we’ve matched numerous businesses with qualified candidates that fit their exact position requirements and were able to go above and beyond their job description to achieve great success. Whether you’re looking to hire on a temporary, contract, project-by-project, permanent, or full-time basis, we have access to an expansive passive and active candidate network that’s guaranteed to match you with the best prospects in your industry.

Our core mission when performing candidate searches on behalf of our clients is to get to know your business and your industry very well, so that we can guarantee the perfect employer-employee match. We also place great importance on ensuring that each candidate we vet and interview for the role you’re offering will fit in well with your company culture and that their values are aligned with your company values. That’s why our slogan is “Find. Search. Connect.” And that’s exactly what we do for our clients!

Not only do we partner with and represent a vast array of businesses across Toronto and the GTA, but we also work with promising skilled and experienced top talent to provide them with the tools they need to succeed in the workplace.

How Resolve Recruit Inc. Can Help Fulfill Your Recruitment Needs

At Resolve Recruit Inc., our team of highly skilled and professional staffing agents are dedicated to interviewing and vetting candidates to ensure that we find the right match for your business. We extend our services across Canada with a focus on Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Burlington, Vaughan, Markham, Richmond Hill, Barrie, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and Oshawa.

Here are a few reasons you should work with us to enhance your current staff:

We Take the Time to Understand Your Business

Job recruitment isn’t always an exact science and there’s no one-size-fits-all blanket solution or strategy that works for every business or industry. In order for a hire or partnership to be successful, it’s important that both parties are completely satisfied with the results for the entire duration of the affiliation.

After all, your business is unique and has its own set of requirements that must be met on a daily basis to ensure its overall success. We view your success as our success and therefore, we have a vested interest in helping you achieve your goals through a detailed candidate search.

We Provide Thorough Candidate Assessments

We’ll work closely with your designated hiring managers to ensure that the candidates we provide are completely qualified to work for your industry. We provide over a thousand candidate assessments that range in intricacy from basic to advanced levels and cover a wide scope of industries. From call center and customer care qualifications to experience in the financial sector, healthcare, hospitality, the software industry, language skills, and more, you can rest assured that our services cover all your bases.

Our assessment process starts at the networking level, includes resume and cover letter collection, and continues through the interviewing process. All prospective candidates are thoroughly vetted and undergo a detailed background check to give you peace of mind in knowing they’re qualified.

We Specialize in a Wide Range of Industry Recruitment

Resolve Recruit Inc. specializes in recruiting for a number of industries, including the following:

  • Accounting
  • Healthcare
  • Administrative
  • Logistics, Supply Chain, Production, Processing
  • Banking and Finance
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Call Centre
  • Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Human Resources

Our massive candidate pool is constantly growing and brimming with top talent across all industries. Each candidate is carefully vetted to ensure top-quality performance levels, in-depth industry knowledge, appropriate experience level, and an excellent work ethic.

One of our main professional objectives is to help our clients reduce their turnaround rates and save money in the long run. We strongly believe that these goals can be successfully achieved by hiring top talent and providing the proper training tools and resources to new and potential hires. That way, you can ensure that all candidates have everything they need available to them to make a lasting impression at your organization.

We Can Help You Find Executive Employees

From passive candidates who aren’t currently looking for a new job to highly qualified applicants who are eager to work for your company, we can help you find and hire distinguished candidates that are sure to fit well within your organization. Executive employees should have a specific set of upper management skills that set them apart from their competition. These are candidates that have extensive experience in their chosen field and have worked their way to the top by successfully managing others, building strong working relationships with their peers, and enhancing their track record.

With our extensive and detailed executive employee hiring process, Resolve Recruit Inc. has set the standard for recruiting and hiring candidates that are excellent upper management material across a variety of industries. We have a proven 8-step executive candidate recruitment process that’s easily adaptable to your specific industry and organization. This process involves:

  • Learning and understanding the management needs of your business and then matching those needs with the qualifications of prospective candidates
  • Determining candidate specifications, meeting their expectations, and helping them achieve their professional goals
  • Setting practical candidate search strategies by sifting through numerous employment databases
  • Talent mapping and sourcing including passive and active candidates
  • Candidate evaluation and shortlisting—an intricate process of elimination in which we weed out unlikely candidates and narrow down the top talent
  • Identifying the top prospects from that shortened list of candidates based on merit, experience level, work ethic, and other factors
  • Conducting final interviews during which hiring managers are given the opportunity to meet with our top picks, ask questions, and get to know them better
  • Selecting the right candidate(s)

We Curate a Massive Candidate Pool

From entry-level to top management talent, our candidate pool is full of promising prospects of varying backgrounds and experience levels to meet the needs and expectations of your business and the specific position(s) for which you’re hiring.

But don’t just take our word for it. Find out for yourself why Resolve Recruit Inc. is one of the top recruitment firms for employers in Toronto and the GTA. Contact us today to discuss your business needs!