When searching for a job, a number of different options exist. Networking, job boards, classifieds, and school placements are all viable options, but none quite match the capabilities of employment agencies. This is because agencies have a unique position when it comes to the job market, and this position allows them to serve as not just tools for applicants to use but partners over the course of a job search as well.
Agencies Have Unique Postings
One thing to keep in mind is that it takes a lot of effort to hire a new employee. Any public posting, such as on a job board, is likely to get hundreds of responses. It is going to be someone’s job to parse through this deluge of applications to try and find ones worthy of an interview; this process takes a lot of time and effort. Consequently, a lot of employers simply won’t turn to public postings and, instead, opt to use employment agencies to perform the initial screening. What this adds up to is that employment agencies often have access to job openings that you would never know about if you confined your search solely to job boards.

Agencies Compare You to Multiple Positions
Depending on their size, an employment agency could be looking to fill several dozen to several hundred different positions across their employer clients. This gives them access to a large pool of job openings with different experience and education requirements, salary ranges, geographic locations, and more. When you sign up with an employment agency, you are not being matched to a single position. Your qualifications and experience are being compared against various requirements to see for which job you’re best suited. As you look through listings and apply on your own, the agency is similarly comparing you to their current openings along with any new ones they receive. It keeps your resume constantly in circulation and adds extra reach to your job search.
Agencies Are Invested In Your Success
An employment agency is heavily dependent on its reputation. After all, the better known they are for providing quality employees, the more companies will want to list with them. This means that you and the employment agency have the same goal: to get you placed in a position at which you have the skills and capacity to succeed. One benefit of this is that employment agencies often offer additional services beyond simple job postings. You should find that your local employment agency can provide advice on interviews, resume and cover letter design, and other methods of increasing your appeal to employers.
Finding the Right Employment Agency
Most employment agencies are just a Google search away. However, you should keep in mind that not all agencies have the same focus. Some concentrate on certain industries, demographics, or geographic areas, for instance. Others specialize in helping people with certain skills—like bilingualism—find work. When looking, keep the categories you fall under in mind, and you will be able to find the employment agency that can best help you land a job.
Resolve Recruit, Inc. is one of the leading employment agencies in the Mississauga, Brampton, and Toronto areas. We match skilled workers with a variety of businesses for both temporary and direct-hire positions. Learn more by contacting us at sales@resolverecruit.com or call (905) 568-8500.